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iPhone, iPod Touch custom theme

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BlackStudios template has a beautiful built-in iPhone, iPod Touch and Android mobiles custom theme. But that's not all! Due to the possibility offered by the Gantry Framework, you can create a dedicated version of the website, with separate content for mobile devices only! Donec gravida, enim vel placerat convallis, magna nisi ultricies sem, quis sodales purus orci nec urna. Curabitur vulputate, nulla nec convallis ultricies, tellus lorem tincidunt est, eu volutpat enim diam gravida turpis. Duis ornare elementum sapien ac viverra.

egestas sit amet laoreet quis, auctor quis turpis. Suspendisse adipiscing velit eget elit sodales imperdiet. Donec quis ante ac justo blandit ultrices id ac odio. Aliquam erat volutpat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus a augue lacus, quis tempor tortor. Etiam rutrum lectus suscipit nunc sollicitudin commodo. Ut lacinia, est non ultricies pulvinar, tortor dolor malesuada odio, id fringilla nunc augue in justo.

There are two options to see how mobile version works:

1. If You have an iPhone or iPod Touch or mobile based on Android Platform.
Open browser in mobile device and type

2. If you don't have an iPhone, iPod Touch or Android phone, don't worry, you can still check it out.
Download the latest version of Safari browser for Windows or Mac OS and follow these steps:

  • run Safari,
  • click on Edit -> Preference
  • go to Advanced tab
  • check the checkbox for Show Develop menu in menu bar option
  • exit from the Preference dialog window, a new "Develop" menu will show in the menu bar
  • click on the Develop,
  • select the User Agent in the pull down menu
  • click to select Mobile Safari  - iPhone


Aenean volutpat adipiscing mi. Maecenas a aliquam diam. Curabitur auctor, nulla ut rhoncus semper, mauris eros hendrerit mi, nec ornare arcu metus sit amet nisi. Cras sodales imperdiet viverra. Cras pulvinar hendrerit feugiat. Nulla at purus fringilla metus imperdiet commodo. Phasellus quis sapien lectus.

Read 266763 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 February 2012 12:51
Magus Uprava

Aenean volutpat adipiscing mi. Maecenas a aliquam diam. Curabitur auctor, nulla ut rhoncus semper, mauris eros hendrerit m.
